Kamis, 02 Juli 2009


As section as human of nature, all of us are regarded by natural law. And of course that law really available. Sometimes we’re not realize. Who is accomplish that law will be happy. So that we must try to adjust ourselves to that law.

1. Law of cause and effect
Whatever had happened have a cause. There is smoke therefore fire available. A poor man didn’t cause by fate but it causes by his self. May be he was lazy. A dirty life cause a person sick. And another simple examples.

2. Law of attraction
Everybody is a magnet which can pull another person who has a same idea of him. If we have a positive act or idea, persons around or known us will be regarded by us. If we want to success thinking positive about successful first, therefore many people are thinking as same as to help us reach our successful.

3. Law of expectation
“As you think, so you are.” We are output of our thinking. Everything you had hopes full of thrust will be well-oiled. If you say to your little brother that he is stupid he will follow your talk. But when you say that he is cleaver he will thrust himself and become a cleaver boy.

4. Law of vacuum
Nature is balance. If there is vacuum (empty), it will be fill again to keep the balance. If we often give we get a vacuum, when vacuum react all in our will be fill.

5. Law of vibration
Everything in this world even plan have a vibration. Human thinking is a vibration too. Success person has success vibrate. And fail person has fail vibration. If we want to success we must increase thinking of success.

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